
27 November 2010
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Cambodian officials are investigating why a huge crowd panicked during a joyful Water Festival in Phnom Penh and stampeded across a narrow bridge, killing at least 378 people in Cambodia's worst tragedy since the Khmer...
26 November 2010
The war in Afghanistan is about perpetual war, not Afghanistan.

It's about preventing democracy in the United States, not bringing it to Southwest Asia.

And it is the tombstone of the Obama Presidency.
26 November 2010
An excerpt from the just published book "War Is A Lie" War is a Lie
After two world wars with a depression in between, none of which Americans had submitted to voluntarily, President Harry S Truman...
24 November 2010
Why should George W. Bush have been “angry” to learn in late 2007 of the unanimous judgment of all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies that Iran had stopped working on a nuclear weapon four years earlier? Seems to me he might have said “Hot Dog...
22 November 2010
BANGKOK, Thailand -- The American who swam across a lake in 2009 and illegally spent two nights with Burma's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi in her home, resulting in an extension of her house arrest, said now that she is free, she...
21 November 2010
I recall the first sentence of my fifth grade essay on "Education and Youth". Written with the occasional aid of my father, and dotted with clichés, it might have read something like this:

"Youth is the backbone of any nation...


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