
13 May 2010
So, we elected a president who promised a withdrawal from Iraq that he, or the generals who tell him what to do, is now further delaying. And, of course, the timetable he's now delaying was already a far cry from what he had promised as a...
11 May 2010
BANGKOK, Thailand -- He boasts of killing 20 Thai communists and fondly recalls working with the CIA, but denies suspicions that he leads a death squad, involved in bombings and shootings to help the Red Shirts cripple Bangkok.
11 May 2010
Isn’t it time to call what Congress will soon vote on by its right name: war escalation funding?
Early in 2009, President Barack Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan with 21,000 "combat" troops, 13,000 "support" troops, and at...
08 May 2010
From reining in Wall Street to preventing the next oil spill and tackling global climate change, we often hold back from taking important public stands because we’re caught in a trap I call “the perfect standard.” Before let ourselves take...
06 May 2010
In his report on Gaza issued late last year, prominent South African jurist Richard Goldstone accused Israel and Hamas of committing war crimes. His language also showed awareness of the fact that the former is an occupying power with most...
05 May 2010
Is it that you don't know what war costs, or that you don't know that it makes us less safe?
We've spent $268 billion on making war on Afghanistan, and using Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz' analysis of Iraq we need to multiply...


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