As the brutality in Syria begins to spread throughout the region, the United States can no longer afford to choose the time at which it confronts this crisis. The time is now. Bashar-al-Assad’s regime is committing intolerable war crimes...
06 June 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- After executing four killers from Thailand, Laos
and Myanmar last year, China's security forces have extended their
reach by uniting those countries along the Mekong River in a "war on
drugs" and arrested 812 people in...
02 June 2013
Part I
The President’s recent address concerning the War on Terror as it relates to drone warfare has supposedly set the stage for a revitalized American foreign policy. Whereas drone strikes merely described the previous...
The President’s recent address concerning the War on Terror as it relates to drone warfare has supposedly set the stage for a revitalized American foreign policy. Whereas drone strikes merely described the previous...
26 May 2013
Imagine if at some point during the 1990s or 1980s the President of the United States had given a speech. And this was his speech:
My fellow Americans, I've been regularly shooting missiles into people's houses in several...
My fellow Americans, I've been regularly shooting missiles into people's houses in several...
26 May 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Buddhists and Muslims are clashing with
increasing ferocity in Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka where minority
Islamic ethnic groups blame racism by majority Buddhists more than
religious intolerance.
21 May 2013
Quick, somebody tell CIA Director John Brennan about the handwriting on the inside wall of the boat in which Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was hiding before Boston-area police riddled it and him with bullets. Tell Brennan that Tsarnaev's note is in...