
17 December 2003
The last time I saw pictures of a man in need of a haircut being so memorably displayed as a trophy of the American empire it was Che Guevara, stretched out dead on a table in a schoolhouse in La Higuera, a little village in the Bolivian...
09 December 2003
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 5 - The company that ate America is now swallowing Mexico.

Wal-Mart, the biggest corporation in the United States, is already the biggest private employer in Mexico, with 100,164 workers on its payroll here...
20 November 2003
Can the Brits feel the love yet? Exporting democracy, it turns out, means more than just showing unfortunate non-westerners the joys of having someone else write a decent constitution for them. We have now advanced to the point where we...
19 November 2003
When trade ministers from the Americas gather for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Ministerial in Miami November 20-21, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick and his team of advisors are unlikely to walk away with the...
05 November 2003
Ask Your Member of Congress to Lift Restrictions on Travel to Cuba Our Country Will Win Friends Through Compassion-Not Hatred

The U.S. government does not allow Americans to spend money in Cuba, effectively banning travel...
21 September 2003
There is a general concept among the liberal media in this country that the  surrendering of  nearly all the civil liberties to the Big Father in Washington happened so fast because our society is paralyzed by fear.  The horrible attack on...


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