Cities for Peace Project – A coalition is forming to request that Columbus
City Council join the Cities for Peace project by passing a resolution in
opposition to war on Iraq. Cities for Peace is a project of the Institute
for Policy Studies in conjunction with the Education for Peace in Iraq
Center (EPIC), National Priorities project, some American Friends Service
Committee chapters, and other grassroots groups. So far, Columbus Campaign
for Arms Control, the Progressive Peace Coalition, and CAIR, Ohio have
endorsed the call for a Columbus resolution against the war on Iraq. Please
let me know if you would like to add you name to the request or if know of
any other organizations who would co-sponsor this endeavor. The sample
resolutions and resolutions from other cities are available at the Cites for
Peace website. A letter and sample resolutions will be sent to each member
of Columbus City Council and Mayor Coleman early next week. After the
letter is sent, we can start a call-in campaign to urge council members to
introduce and support the resolution.
More information on Cities for Peace at
For more information about the Columbus, Ohio Cities for Peace Project, contact:
More information on Cities for Peace at
For more information about the Columbus, Ohio Cities for Peace Project, contact: