On Wednesday, May 10th, the House Appropriations Committee went on record in support of addressing global warming with mandatory measures to reduce U.S. emissions. The “Sense of the Congress” resolution mirrors one passed by the Senate last year. This small step is a cause to rejoice however. . . Opponents are trying every trick of the trade to stop Congress from going on record that global warming is real and that we need to do something about it NOW! We need your voice, as a person of faith concerned for the gracious gift of God’s creation, to let Congress know this language should remain!

Please TAKE ACTION NOW by urging your Congressional representative to support of the “Sense of the Congress on Global Warming” resolution in the Interior Appropriations bill. Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):

Below is the sample letter:

Subject: Sense of Congress on Global Warming

Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

I am writing to urge your support of the "Sense of Congress on Global Warming" resolution in the Interior Appropriations bill, which is expected to reach the House floor by the end of this week.

My faith teaches that we are called to be responsible stewards of the earth as well as caring, compassionate neighbors within the human family.

I urge you to address global warming not only because of its obvious impacts on the environment, but also because of the disproportionate affect climate change has upon the economy - especially those living in poverty.

America's religious community has consistently urged action on global warming for years because of our religious teachings and deeply held beliefs. In 2004 over 1000 clergy from around the United States signed on to a letter urging action on global warming. And earlier this year, eighty-six evangelical leaders signed on to a statement urging action on global warming.

In the last few years the urgency of global warming has become more pressing. I believe it is time for Congress to take responsibility for a problem that requires us to act on a national scale. Please write back to let me know your position on the resolution language.
