There are several ways that YOU can help protect the vote in 2006:
VIDEO THE VOTE: Help document irregularities on election day, join the team. Video records will be immediately uploaded to the web. If you are interested in the video project, please contact Melissa Giraud at See Video the Vote on YouTube

PARALLEL ELECTION VOLUNTEER: Learn how hand-counted paper ballots are the most accurate way to count votes by helping in a citizen-run Parallel Election. For more information, contact Rady Ananda at or Marj Creech at 740.940.5038 or See Parallel Elections

ELECTION OBSERVER: Contact Phil Fry (937) 362-4493, He is coordinating observers for 5 candidates who are running state-wide including Bob Fitrakis and Bill Peirce. Position is quite flexible. You may be asked to follow the precinct captain with the electronic ballot from the precinct to witness the vote count at the central tabulator. Go to CASE Ohio and look under "Election Day Action."

ELECTION PROTECTION VOLUNTEER: EP workers will be present at the polls, armed with information to help voters who are refused access due to the new ID requirement and other reasons, or are forced to vote by provisional ballot.This program is run by People for the American Way. For more information, go to People for the American Way

EXIT POLLS: Work with statisticians at the Vote County Project. To get involved, see Election Integrity Vote Count Project