Senate Bill 159 could impact thousands of Ohio voters ability to make their voices heard in the upcoming election. There is still a possibility that the senate will try and pass the Voter ID Bill SB 159 on July 11th. To stop that from happening we're asking you to write to email the Senate President to let the senate know, we wont let them withhold our right to vote this November.

a href=>Let Senate President Niehaus know that you do not support HB 159, the Photo ID Bill

Please forward this message to anyone and everyone who will join us and take action today!

While some of you might know me, others probably don’t. My name is Will Klatt and I’ll be the Ohio Student Organizing Coordinator through the 2011 election as part of the We Are Ohio campaign. I’ve been involved in the student movement since 2005 and since graduation in 2009 have been working on a number of union and community organizing drives. I’m excited to be working with you to make sure youth in Ohio have a voice and making sure that SB 5 is repealed.