Deva Premal's "Love is Space" is a perfect album.

Such gems do exist. They're rare, but most great musicians have at least one.

The Beatles had many, including "Rubber Soul" and "SGT. Pepper". My favorite of theirs remains the "Here Comes the Sun" side of "Abbey Road".

Also in my book: Van Morrison's "Astral Weeks" qualifies. Jimi's "Electric Ladyland". Many of Bonnie Raitt's sixteen albums are on that level: though my favorite is her live "Road Tested." The Stones' "Sticky Fingers" and "Let it Bleed." The Who's "Magic Bus." Stevie Wonder's "Songs in the Key of Life." Carole King's "Tapestry."

The distinguishing features of such masterpieces are not only an entire album without a bad cut, but also a work with a coherent rhythm and tangible wholeness---and sense of purpose---that make it more a symphony than a collection of songs. A perfect game that you can dance to---many many times.

It's also, of course, a matter of individual taste. But lesser-known artists have done them. Loreena McKennitt has some astounding songs on many of her albums, but "Mask & Mirror" is flawless in both the quality of all its cuts and the cohesion with which they're put together. Guitarist Ry Cooder, a true national treasure, displays the ultimate mastery with his east-west collaboration in "Meeting by the River".

Then again, Carlos Santana, now famous with a second (or is it third?) generation of pop music fans, made it to the Hall long, long ago with "Abraxus" and too many others to mention. The Allman's "Eat a Peach," built around "Mountain Jam," is also there, no matter how many of the brothers we lose.

So where does White Swan Records' Deva Premal enter the picture? Primarily, she's a new age diva specializing in eastern chants put to imaginative, often brilliant studio arrangements. She has a lovely, clear voice. Not Loreena's piercing, hypnotic soprano, or Judy Collins' country lilt or Carly Simon's urban seductivity.

But Premal's voice is engaging and sure. Her singing has its gentle, tantric sexuality. But it's without obtrusive nuance, perfect for someone wanting to take you on a genuinely spiritual meditation. She has two other albums, plus a collaboration with her partner Miten, that offer tracks that are both brilliant and worthy of multiple listenings.

But it's "Love Is Space" that belongs in the Hall. It's not shy about taking on the all-time eastern biggies. Its opening "Om Shanti Shanit" is beautifully orchestrated, calm but focused, with direction and purpose. A quieter cut---nicely timed---is followed by a hypnotic "Om Mane Padme Om" Obviously, this production team is aiming high…and here they achieve the improbable.

"Love is Space" transcends from start to finish. For the seeker with a busy life, it can be a truly great gift. If you want to sit and do a coherent meditation without really working at it, you can put this CD on, get comfortable, then get up when it's over feeling genuinely, even deeply, healed.

It works for me. It might for you.

If not, you can always go back to "Black Magic Woman."

Love Is Space, Deva Premal (WS 0042)
Retail price: $16.98

White Swan Records

To order, please visit or call toll-free 1-877-466-2528.