
Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.
President, International Association of Educators for World Peace
Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education,
Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament
Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University

In the academic sphere of society the year 2007 must have a very good start. One of the greatest scholars of our time, Terrence E. Paupp, came with the publication of a timely and inspiring book, which should be a vade mecum, the book companion of every dedicated educator and concerned human being. It took quite a few years to bring this book to conclusion, which is objective and well-documented.

Fall of America’s Empire

The stated book demonstrates how the United States, in spite of its devastating military power and dominance in global politics is, slowly but surely, disintegrating and leading to a state of collapse. The book is entitled: Exodus from Empire: The Fall of America’s Empire and the Rise of the Global Community. In the introduction, the author shows how every empire in history always ended in disintegration and collapse. He also demonstrates how democracy in America is increasingly becoming extinct, a thing of the past.

This book, with over 400 pages, is developed into seven chapters each one of which is fully documented. Chapter one covers the enormous international resistance that developed over the years to this evolved and expanded American global empire. To maintain this global empire, the United States had to pay a high price: the waging of perpetual wars, one after another with no virtual ending. This trend has been going on for many years, which went as far as the recent American invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

There have been many wars in several countries across every continent, where the USA was responsible for the overthrow of democratically elected governments, as it was in the case of Chile to quote an instance. Chapter two shows how the United States has always been a nation of plutocracy, which is governed by the rich and for the exclusive benefits of the wealthy. National interests have always taken precedence over world order values. This explains why we have so much suffering of innocent people around the world.

Chapter three observes how the superpower law of the elite has served to promote lawlessness everywhere. When people are suppressed and deprived from their basic elements of life including human rights, they are bound to rebel sooner or later. Radical unilateralism and democratic despotism in America are properly brought into focus. The dangerous union of turbo-capitalism and inverted totalitarianism is properly outlined. The means the USA uses to control the world are free trade, science, technology and the widespread militarism.

Problem of Maintaining Justice

Chapter four focuses on a variety of topics of national and global concern including the problem of maintaining justice within the global community. The relationship between power and justice is well analyzed. The US arsenal of nuclear weapons coupled with increased US violations of human rights must make every nation reassess its relationship with this empire that has now engulfed the world. In spite of all this, there is still great hope in the great religions of the world that may provide us with a guideline on how to transcend sovereignty and embrace justice in the interest of all people without exception.

Chapter five exposes intelligently the hidden politics of the American empire. Overt and covert operations are fully documented. Besides, America’s dysfunctional policies in Vietnam and in Iraq reveal how dangerous the USA has become for the entire world. The author discusses also the assassination of President Kennedy and how the USA struggles to acquire all strategic resources it wants through the waging of never-ending wars. He also shows how national and global fascism are being used in the service of the American empire.

Chapter six deals with the human sacrosanct right to live in peace in a world that is free from wars. We also see clearly the relationship between globalization, poverty, and inequality. Besides, careful plans are presented on how the various regions of the world could form a mutually beneficial alliance to counteract the dominance of their respective economies by this American empire. Chapter seven is the conclusion. It reflects on the crimes committed by this involved empire, on the United Nations needed quest for the development of an alternative path for globalization, and of the rise of an eventual power, the people, who will finally be in a position to control their own destiny.  

Those who may want a copy of this book, Exodus from Empire: The Fall of America’s Empire and the Rise of the Global Community, may get it through the following websites:  (Barnes and Noble Booksellers) or  or may write to: Pluto Press, 345 Archway Road, London N65AA, United Kingdom, Phone: 011-44-438-2724.