A record request of August 6, 2007 made to the Director of Franklin County’s Board of Elections, Matt Damschroder, has turned up some very interesting records.

Additional proof that all of Ohio’s Boards of Elections knew that they should retain the 2004 election records. Deputy Director Denny White was in attendance at the time of the delivery of the request. I now am in the possession of interoffice emails where they discuss the records, and their repulsion for those of us that seek to know what the story is, which only the actual documents can tell.

A beautiful nine-year-old girl named Kelly, with whom I shared some of the stories of missing Ohio 2004 Election Records, posed this question, "If they know they need to keep them, then why don’t they? Kelly was concerned and said, "It is not right". Many statements and questions came from a child that seems more trustworthy and capable than many those who run Ohio’s 56 Boards of Elections (BOE). Those same BOE’s which have missing, lost, taken by the Mahoning Green Team, misplaced, unintentionally discarded into a Rumpke dumpster, intentionally destroyed, accidentally destroyed, shredded, coffee stained and then destroyed, deliberately flooded, and other problems with retaining "the people’s records". Kelly asked, "Why would anyone try to hide the files if they know the rule and know they will go to jail?"

My idea for the record request began because of a letter I became aware of. It is here for the world to see. "Thank You" to Jacqueline Neuhart for asking the question. We still don’t know how far it will go, do we… All the way to the illegal occupants at the White House, I hope.
    From: Guernsey County BOE [mailto:guernsey@sos.state.oh.us]
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 10:03 AM
    To: All Counties
    Subject: save the ballots

    Good morning, everyone. Has anyone else heard about this? I wonder how far it will go. 
The website gives the story of these weary ballots and election records, likely the most fought after, most abused, most desired, and most intentionally destroyed election records in the history of our country. After reading this, I wondered who responded to Jacqueline’s email? Here are the letter letters that I have so far on the subject of "Save the Ballots". I wonder what United States District Court Judge Algenon Marbley would think about these counties and the people running the elections there?
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Lorain Co. Board of Elections
    To: Guernsey County BOE ; All Counties
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 10:30 AM
    Subject: Re: save the ballots

    Someone should tell them to give it up. The election is over. They lost.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Brown County BOE
    To: Guernsey County BOE ; All Counties
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 10:32 AM
    Subject: RE: save the ballots


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Allen County BOE
    To: Guernsey County BOE ; All Counties
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 12:08 PM
    Subject: RE: save the ballots

    I'm sorry, I'm just a little too busy trying to figure our how the government killed John Kennedy to deal with this.  KC

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Allen County BOE
    To: Guernsey County BOE ; All Counties
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 12:12 PM
    Subject: RE: save the ballots

    And by the way...where does the government have those aliens from space hidden?

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Lorain Co. Board of Elections
    To: Allen County BOE ; Guernsey County BOE ; All Counties
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 12:46 PM
    Subject: Re: save the ballots

    The Trilateral Commission did it.

      ----- Original Message -----
    From: Lorain Co. Board of Elections
    To: Allen County BOE
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 12:47 PM
    Subject: Re: save the ballots
    Tom Cruise's garage.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Lorain Co. Board of Elections
    To: All Counties
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 12:50 PM
    Subject: Fw: save the ballots

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Lorain Co. Board of Elections
    To: Lorain Co. Board of Elections ; All Counties
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 12:56 PM
    Subject: Re: save the ballots

    Keith and I give our regards to all the counties who are conducting elections tomorrow. We dodged the bullet on this one. How about you, Keith.....

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Allen County BOE
    To: Lorain Co. Board of Elections ; All Counties
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 1:45 PM
    Subject: RE: save the ballots


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ashtabula County BOE
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 3:08 PM
    Subject: RE: save the ballots

    I think that we are all a little to busy to deal with these people... get over it already...
    I wonder who pays these people to work on this stuff...our tax dollars hard at work...
    We also dodged the bullet on the Special...Thank God... for that...

      I also heard that the "Voter Identification Requirement" has gone to court to try to overturn that rule... before the November Election.  So for all of us lucky counties that already ordered new forms and envelopes... GREAT!! haha  

    Have a great day everyone!!
From the original DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK list, the lame, pathetic, felonious reasons for not having our 2004 election records is listed below, along with the person or persons who signed their letter of explanation. Unfortunately for you, my gentle readers, Lorain County, they sent no letter to explain what they had done with the records.
    Allen – "water damage and subsequently destroyed"
    Director Keith Cunningham,

    Ashtabula – (BOE) "inadvertently disposed of"
    Director J. Richard Hornstein
    Deputy Director, Duane S. Feher
    (Prosecuting Attorney __________) "inadvertently discarded and destroyed"
    Ashtabula Prosecuting Attorney, Thomas L. Sartini

    Brown – "accidentally destroyed or have been misplaced"
    Chairman, Bill Herdman
    Board Member, Kerrin Cushing
    Board Member, Linda Ondre

    Guernsey – "destroyed in error, due to the county maintenance worker, when collection trash"
    Director, Jacqueline J. Neuhart

    Lorain – some ballots missing, no letter of explanation
    Although there is no letter, here are those that run the place:
    Director, Jose A. Candelario
    Deputy Director, Marilyn A. Jacobcik
Lets return to what nine year old Kelly asked, "Why would anyone try to hide the files (ballots) if they know the rule and know they will go to jail?"

The five BOE’s who participated in this email, should all stand up and acknowledge they knew… they knew they should have kept those records. Keith Cunningham of Allen county claims to have "destroyed on or about August 20, 2006, only 13 days after this email exchange, for which he put in three letters, for which I know about. Regarding protecting the 2004 ballots, once again, here is what Keith said,

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little too busy trying to figure our how the government killed John Kennedy to deal with this."  KC

Lets hope the wheels of justice in Ohio, are not too busy to deal with Keith, according to Judge Marbley’s ruling, this is a fourth degree felony, and he can be held in contempt of court.

From the Toledo Blade, August 2, 2007 – Associated Press Matthew Damschroder, director of the Franklin County Board of Elections and President of the Ohio Association of Election Officials, also said counties did nothing intentionally wrong (in regards to destruction of Ohio’s 2004 election records)

To view the inventory, records, and letters in regards to this issue, click on this link: (http://freepress.org/ballot/BOE.pdf)