Voter Supression In Center City Allentown: I visited over 15 polling centers in my hometown to see the effects of the Voter-ID laws, which weren't supposed to be in effect until after the election. I filmed many interviews, and even one nasty verbal exchange between a poll worker & and would be Latina voter. My hometowns' media decided ONLY to cover surburbia, and neglected the disenfranchised demographic(i.e. Blacks, Hispanics, Poor, and Elderly). I've put together a list of videos on youtube to better articulate the situation at hand, and bring more awareness to prevent future alienation . "We Are All In this together"-Michelle Obama.. Thank you for your help and concern.

Disenfranchised Latina Voter Denied Right To Vote By Nasty Election Worker 11/6/12 @B'nai B'rith

Obama Wins/ Supporter Responds Latina's Voter ID @B'Nai B'Rith FAIL 11/6/12 (Obama Wins Re election)

Nasty Rob Poll Worker "If Your Not In This Book You Are Screwed!" @2012 Election Day Voter ID

New Penna. State Rep Matt Schlossberg Calls Voter ID Laws Modern Day Jim Crow (Obama Wins 2012)

Muhlenburg Professor & Student Speak On Voter ID Suppression On Election Day 11/6/12 (Obama Wins)

Camera Gistapo Explains Voter Id Poilcy 2012 Election Day 11/06/12 (Obama Beats Voter Scaretactics)

Muhlenberg College Student Refuses Voter ID Check (Obama Beats Romney Anyway)

Young Latina Voter ID Change Of Address 2012 Election Day Fail (Obama Wins Despite Threat)