Post-Trump Raid Fascism; Chaos in Ohio, Vet Votes; Atomic Chaos; Grassroots Links
Kevin Kamps, Zurie Pope, Myla Reson, Harvey Wasserman

Kevin Kamps, Zurie Pope, Myla Reson, Harvey Wasserman

At GREE-GREE #106, WENDI LEDERMAN starts us off with an astounding listing of grassroots 2022 groups around the US workin on election protection.

We also hear from ZURIE POPE about fascist chaos in Ohio.

And from SUZANNE GORDON on the shafting of the Veterans Administration nationwide.

We then do a deep dive on the atomic chaos in Zaporizhzhia, California and elsewhere.

KEVIN KAMPS of Beyond Nuclear, MYLA RESON & TATANKA BRICCA, DOROTHY REIK, DENNIS BERNSTEIN and others in California and elsewhere.

We’re finally re-joined by BRYNN TANNEHILL to discuss the fascist reaction to the FBI on Mar-a-Lago.

What comes next?  It’s up to you...