Green Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Zoom #128, Mar. 6, 2023

In GREEGREE #128, VINNIE DESTEPHANO fills us in on the on-going tour of “Ithaka,” the stirring documentary about Julian Assange, now touring the US.

We then hear from RAY MCCLENDON about the escalated attempts to crush democracy in Georgia.

Finally we do a deep dive on the critical Wisconsin Supreme Court race that could redefine national politics.

GREG LEWIS of Souls to the polls joins legendary journalists RUTH CONIFF and NORM STOCKWELL in dissecting the realities of what may be the most important election of 2023.

HOWIE HAWKINS of the Green Party also joins the discussion.

With control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court comes critical decisions on women’s rights, voting rights, gerrymandering and much more.

As Wisconsin is certain to prove critical in the 2024 election, this state Supreme Court race could decide much of the American future.