
Congress Applauds Netanyahu, a Certified War Criminal

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, the US Congress demonstrated a new low. Our elected officials, once the envy of the world, proved beyond any reasonable doubt that, in the words of Will Rogers, “the United States of America had the best Congress money can buy.” Or, as Mark Twain said, “We have the best government that money can buy.” On that day of infamy, a certified war criminal, Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been committing genocide in real-time while the world watches, was received by the US Congress and hailed as a hero.

During his nearly hour-long speech, the neo-Nazi Prime Minister Netanyahu was interrupted by applause and numerous standing ovations. Almost 30% of his time at the podium was consumed by applause. How pathetic. Those who engaged in this egregious act were US politicians and lawmakers, decision-makers and people of supposed high status in our country, elected to the two chambers that continue the chart of the great American Experiment. Almost a quarter of a millennium ago, this great American Experiment began with 56 patriots who pledged their lives and honor in declaring independence from a powerful king and country more than 3,000 miles away.

Unfortunately, our current “patriots” have sold their souls to the devil and, along the way, sold our country wholesale to another foreign country, Israel, as far away as the former one. They stood in awe of the baby killer who caused more than 10% of the Gaza population to be killed, injured, or missing during the 10-month war on Gaza. The latest count is upward of 50,000 Palestinians murdered in Netanyahu’s bloody war. How shameful!

Contrast these supposed patriots with what was happening outside the walls of Congress. While US politicians and decision-makers were like kindergarten children awed by a clown, thousands of true patriots demonstrated outside Capitol Hill, denouncing Netanyahu’s visit and protesting the ongoing genocide against the men, women, and children of Gaza. These true patriots, from all walks of life, waved banners and chanted slogans showing how true Americans feel about hosting a war criminal. Unfortunately, police used pepper spray on some of the thousands of pro-truth and humanity protesters who gathered outside the US Capitol on Wednesday.

The sad part of all this is that the war criminal described these protestors as “Iran’s useful idiots.” He even said that these demonstrators “… choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. These protesters stand with them. They should be ashamed of themselves.”

Paul Joseph Goebbels, the German Nazi politician, pales in comparison to Benjamin Netanyahu. Goebbels was the chief propagandist for the Nazi Party and then Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. He advocated harsh discrimination, including the extermination of Jews in the Holocaust. Netanyahu is the mirror image of Goebbels, even worse. He invoked the Amalek reference, calling for wanton killings of Palestinians.

After Hitler committed suicide, Goebbels succeeded him and served just one day as Chancellor. The following day, Goebbels and his wife Magda committed suicide after poisoning their six children with cyanide. That is exactly what Netanyahu and his criminal government are doing, sacrificing the whole of his people to save himself.

Lying has become a competitive sport in Washington as well as in Israel.

The warm reception Netanyahu received from our elected officials is so out of touch with the public opinion, both inside and outside the United States.  Over 75 years of brutal occupation seems not to have affected those who made fools of themselves.

One thing our elected officials clearly demonstrated without a shadow of doubt is their moral and intellectual flexibility. They showed the world what hypocrisy looks like in action.

The circus we observed in Washington did not bring anything new. It confirmed what the world has been talking about: the United States is at the center of global political corruption. The question is whether this corruption is inherent or acquired. In my humble opinion, it has been planned for almost 50 years through the work of special interests that put enemies, foreign and domestic, ahead of the interests of the American people. 

Listening to John F. Kennedy, just before his assassination, may shed light on those hidden hands playing puppet masters directing the political elite of Washington. Who knows?