The Republican Party, also known as the GOP (Grand Old Party), which was formed in the 1850s, harbors such rabid hatred toward Arabs and Muslims. One has to wonder why Republicans' hatred of Muslims runs deep and wide. One has to wonder if they have met a Muslim in their home state or if their parents are closely related. Either way, those clowns think that they will not be held accountable for their incendiary comments about Muslims. I kept a tally sheet about those Muslim haters over the years.
What did GOP leaders say about Muslims?
* Former US Rep. Peter King from NY, who served as the Chairman of the US Homeland Security Committee,
accused Muslims in America of supporting terrorism, not being loyal or patriotic citizens, and implied in an interview that Muslims are not indeed Americans.
* Former Pennsylvania senator and former presidential candidate Rick Santorum stated, "Sharia law is 'an existential threat' to the United States."
* Former presidential candidate Herman Cain said, "I would not appoint a Muslim to a Cabinet position or judgeship."
* Former presidential candidate Ben Carson said, "No Muslim should ever become US president."
* President-elect Donald Trump, when he was running for office in 2016, suggested that Muslims should be registered in a database and carry unique identification cards. He also called for an immediate and complete ban on travel to the United States by Muslims until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
* New Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House, stated that all U.S. Muslims should be tested to see if they believe in the Islamic law of Sharia, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. He also called for removing Supreme Court justices (a lifetime appointment) if they disagreed.
* Professor of Law Raj Bhala at the University of Kansas School of Law eloquently responded to this bigotry and hogwash by stating, "The fear of Shariah is irrational, based on ignorance not only of Islamic law but also American law that prohibits cruel and unusual punishment."
* U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told "Fox & Friends," "It would be 'terrible' if a DNA test showed he had Iranian ancestry." He also urged the President, "Hit Iran now. Hit them hard." If that is not bigotry and ignorance and lack of decency, I do not know what is.
* US Presidential candidate Nikki Haley told Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at the beginning of the war on Gaza, "Finish them all." She then flew to Israel, where she signed Gaza-bound bombs with the caption 'Finish Them America (heart) Israel Always.'"
* Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has banned a pro-Palestine student group from university campuses in the state and urged Florida universities to expel American students if they hurt Jewish feelings.
* Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) says Biden is a "coward" if he does not unleash "devastating military retaliation" both inside Iran and across the Middle East. He also questioned Bushnell's loyalty and patriotism of a fellow USAF active-duty member, airman Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire in an extreme act of protest against the US involvement in the Israeli genocide in Gaza in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C.
Faces of GOP leaders who challenged Donald J Trump during the 2016 and 2020 Presidential elections
That said, using bigotry and hatemongering against Muslims does not necessarily translate into votes or ensure victory. Tea party political candidates in Tennessee ran on similar anti-Muslim platforms years ago and argued that the US Constitution does not apply to 7 million Muslim Americans. Luckily, they were all soundly defeated.
The GOP does not care about the sacrifices and contributions of the brave Arabs and Muslim Americans for the safety and welfare of their country, the United States; they are bigots who use hatred and racial prejudice to further their careers. Remember when US Reps MTG and Lauren Boebert called their fellow lawmakers (US Reps Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib) suicide bombers and pro-terrorists? The GOP leaders were too cowardly to hold both bullies accountable for their anti-Muslim hate. America first means you quit being AIPAC and ADL's lapdog.
The GOP should instead focus on promoting understanding and tolerance, not spreading fear and hatred.
Anti-Muslim rhetoric is not only vile but also dangerous as it plays on people's fears and portrays Muslims as unclean and unwelcome. Such behavior only serves to deepen divisions and incite further prejudice.
Freedom of religion is a fundamental right that applies to all faiths (Muslims included). The GOP must resist the urge to judge or hate what they do not understand. As the writer Charles Caleb Colton wisely observed, "We hate some people because we do not know them and will not know them because we hate them."