
Articles by Author

23 January 2005
Mustangs freely living on the hills and plains in the south western United States may be rapidly galloping into extinction. According to the Wild Horse and...
06 January 2005
Resulting Democrats' speeches stressed voters rights, equality, reform. Republicans' speeches attempted obfuscation, avoided consideration of serious electoral...
12 December 2004
Click on the below links to read the transcripts from public hearings on voter irregularities in Ohio:

01 December 2004
The Free Press regrets to announce that the grand old hog, Iggy Fitrakis, and his mischevious stepbrother, Winston Mogg-Way, both passed away in October at the...
20 November 2004
Franklin County, Ohio voting machine assignments

Shows how there were more registered voters...
04 November 2004
As seen below, two of the four current lead-ins on The New York Times website ( at 2:12AM ET mention a "...
