
Kirk's award-winning cartoons have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, and hundreds of other newspapers and magazines throughout the U.S., Britain, Canada, and other countries. Kirk spent eight years as staff cartoonist for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and his work has been published in over 150 books, seen on ABC's Nightline and The CBS Evening News, and sought for national exhibitions.

Kirk's controversial cartoons have been publicly denounced by a governor, officially condemned by a state university, personally admonished by a U.S. senator, reviled in print by an archbishop, and vilified by police, business leaders, talk radio, the NRA and others. (He does manage to get along with his neighbors.)

Kirk is currently working on a book (, and free-lancing his cartoons and illustrations. He lives in St. Paul with his wife Nancy Brewster and two invisible friends, Winky and Mr. Tithers.

Articles by Author

18 May 2004
Colorado bishop says that Catholics cannot receive Communion if they vote for politicians who are pro-choice, among other positions.
13 May 2004
07 May 2004
07 May 2004
04 May 2004
29 April 2004
