Norm Solomon's journalistic experience includes many years of free-lance writing for Pacific News Service and other media outlets, and several reporting visits to the Soviet Union during the mid-1980s. From 1997-2010 he wrote the nationally syndicated weekly colulmn "Media Beat." He is the founding director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, a consortium of policy researchers and analysts and was its executive director from 1997 to 2010. He is co-founder of the national group, which now has more than 400,000 active members. Solomon’s books include "Target Iraq," “Wizards of Media Oz: Behind the Curtain of Mainstream News,” “The Trouble With Dilbert: How Corporate Culture Gets the Last Laugh,” “False Hope: The Politics of Illusion in the Clinton Era,” “The Power of Babble: The Politician's Dictionary of Buzzwords and Doubletalk for Every Occasion,” and “Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America's Experience With Atomic Radiation.”

Articles by Author

23 September 2010
Autumn 2010 is a time of disillusionment for many who deplore the USA’s current political trajectory. Some who’ve been active for progressive causes are now...
19 September 2010
A pithy idea -- now going around in some progressive circles -- is that elections are a waste of time.

The idea can be catchy. It all...
10 September 2010
At this bleak political moment, gaining congressional power for progressives might seem like pie in the sky. More and more desperate efforts are underway to...
02 September 2010
On the last night of August, the president used an Oval Office speech to boost a policy of perpetual war.
Hours later, the New York Times...
16 August 2010
It’s already history. In mid-August 2010, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan launched a huge media campaign to prevent any substantial withdrawal of military...
27 July 2010
Washington’s spin machine is in overdrive to counter the massive leak of documents on Afghanistan. Much of the counterattack revolves around the theme...
