Articles by Author

01 August 2013
“My life would be worthless without music,” the girl said.

And the music came, up from the garbage, through her hands and heart and out to the...
27 July 2013
How many years are we away from a national apology over slavery?

Wait, scratch that word, “apology.” Too late, not possible. The scope of the...
17 July 2013
Did the ghosts of our slave-holding and Jim Crow past high-five each other in the Florida courtroom on Saturday? George Zimmerman was acquitted, but does that...
13 July 2013
What I keep longing to hear, in the hemorrhaging national debate about Edward Snowden, whistleblowing and the NSA, is some acknowledgment of what the word “...
27 June 2013
America, America . . .

Certainly Edward Snowden’s crime is one of public relations. In this day and age, power ain’t just jackboots, tanks and...
14 June 2013
We can end war.

Please, before you read on, let those four words float in silence for half a minute, until you actually hear them - until they...
