The growing concern about war/poverty has not translated into policy change or increased numbers of the active community's organizers/activists. Why is this condition frustrating to long-term organizers?

The last seven years has been a social experiment for neo-con and neo-liberal policy wonks. The neo-con and neo-liberal pretense of differing from the basic agenda of the USA corporate and military leadership would make one cry if we did not laugh. The parameter of discourse and the logical policy outcomes has become even more restricted than they were under the rubric of a Cold War political-economy. Since 9-11, it would appear that the role of an organizer has been to establish political space, public and open, that enables activists and communities to express the growing concerns on war and poverty. However, whatever space has been created is filled by cyber junk and conspiracy diversions.

The book, "Principles for Radicals (Saul Alinsky)," should possibly be re-read by many who claim to have reason and justice as their agenda. The need to do the hard work of organizing still exists, but everyone likes working on the cyber-world agenda and will not think strategically as to why certain people have been drawn to the international/domestic socio-political agenda that confound the present day organizers.

The politics of personality cult cannot over ride the solid development of core organizations with powerful politics. We cannot wait for a leader to take us by the nose, thanks Reverend Jesse Jackson, but we must develop leadership on the community level with the understanding that all is global. The work of the social justice movement must bare fruit on the poverty, war and Civil Rights fronts or we have missed our historic role.

My question: Is anyone out there that cares about the planet, its people, and its integrity of creation. If not, why not? And if so, then where are you?

Peace, Mark D. Stansbery, Secretary
Community Organizing Center
Columbus, Ohio