
Here is a link to the infamous Blackwell fundraising letter.  I believe he overstepped the legal line when he used Secretary of State envelopes and letterhead for a blatantly political appeal.  Did he also use State postage as well?

This man is dangerous and needs to be reigned in by our legal system.  If we can't get him for voter fraud, we should get him for stealing from the taxpayers.

It is interesting that this man is the embodiment of the Grover Norquist "drown the government in a bathtub" theory of government, has had nothing but tax funded jobs for years and years, and aspires to even more government funded jobs.

The analysis of the ruinous impact of his Amendment is outlined on the front page of the Dispatch today.  This is an analysis prepared by other Republicans!

The legislature and governor are already constrained to balance the budget by the 1951 Constitution.  This amendment requires the same vote as a veto overide.  This is an attempt to take political heat off the governor in the event that he is elected to that post.  The governor can force this majority any time he wants to by the exercise of the veto.

Blackwell has tried usurp the power of the legislature before when he attempted to get removal ofthe temporary sales tax on the statewide ballot.  If that had been approved, the legislature would have still have had the constitutional requirement to balance the budget during a recession.  Please remember the recession was due to the policies of the Republican president, whom Mr. Blackwell wishes to emulate.  Finally, these "going to the voters" appeals, successful or not, are intended to enhance his reputation as an aggressive tax cutter, which solidifies his credentials with the radical right, of which he proudly holds himself forth as a card carrying member.

Ken Blackwell fully intends to evicerate the government of the State of Ohio to the detriment of its 11 million citizens and the benefit of his corporate contributors and sponsors.

Ken Blackwell fully intends to evicerate education, both primary and secondary in Ohio, because to an authoritarian, an educated populace is not desired, except for the ruling elites, who will use their education to keep the serfs down.

Ken Blackwell fully intends to evicerate roadbuilding, infrastructure development, manpower development, parks, recreation, the environment, health care for poor people, and anything else his corporate sponsors want.  This man is dangerous and should be brought to task, either by our court system, and if this is not doable because of fear on the part of our prosecutors, then the voters.  The arrogance exhibited by his letter should not be countenanced by the voters of Ohio.

William C. Lowers
Upper Arlington