We just received the news that, due especially to all your solidarity efforts & those of steelworkers, their families, and all the people fighting for justice, a TENATIVE SETTLEMENT AT COOPER TIRE WAS JUST ANNOUNCED!!
Pending worker’s ratification of the announced settlement, the SATURDAY RALLIES ARE POSTPONED.
Just as the lockout of the Cooper Tire workers was an attack on all of us, this settlement is a victory for all of us who stood together with these embattled workers and their families. Only because of the solidarity efforts so far, and the announced escalation of our solidarity efforts, did Cooper management come back to the table and actually begin to negotiate again. THANK YOU ALL!!
While we all are able to take a breath of air and congratulate the members and all the supporters of USW, Local 207L in Findley, Ohio, our Brothers and Sisters in Minnesota and the Dakotas, Bakery Union workers at Chrystal sugar remain on the picket lines, fighting for their jobs and a decent agreement while a greedy company continues to run SCABS in to replace them. While this weekend’s rallies have gained a victory, the sugar workers still need our help & additional solidarity efforts will be forthcoming.
Pending worker’s ratification of the announced settlement, the SATURDAY RALLIES ARE POSTPONED.
Just as the lockout of the Cooper Tire workers was an attack on all of us, this settlement is a victory for all of us who stood together with these embattled workers and their families. Only because of the solidarity efforts so far, and the announced escalation of our solidarity efforts, did Cooper management come back to the table and actually begin to negotiate again. THANK YOU ALL!!
While we all are able to take a breath of air and congratulate the members and all the supporters of USW, Local 207L in Findley, Ohio, our Brothers and Sisters in Minnesota and the Dakotas, Bakery Union workers at Chrystal sugar remain on the picket lines, fighting for their jobs and a decent agreement while a greedy company continues to run SCABS in to replace them. While this weekend’s rallies have gained a victory, the sugar workers still need our help & additional solidarity efforts will be forthcoming.