
To the Editor:

I am a college student and have begun to make decisions that will affect the rest of my life as well as my children's lives. When I think about the state of our world I can't help but feel the weight of my personal responsibility to push for change, not only for my sake but for the sake of my future family. Scientists agree that at the very least we need to cut our global warming pollution 80 % by 2050 in order to avoid the most devastating effects of global warming. Right now, the elections are nearing, and I know that we need the candidates to make this their goal. I know that Steve Stivers and Mary Jo Kilroy, who are running for Congress, have talked about global warming quite a bit, but neither has committed to cutting our global warming pollution 80 % by 2050. Why would I vote for someone who isn't going to fight for a safer world and for our country's future?

Stephanie Smith
Columbus, Ohio