
The Bush Sycophants brought down a Democratic president, Bill Clinton, whose only mistake was to lie about wetting his whistle while married.

            Yet, the Dithering Democrats can't derail a lowly attorney general. A no-confidence vote? Why don't Democrats just offer Alberto Gonzales a buyout?

            The Double Ds have Jimmy Carter so flustered that he's shrieking like a parrot trying to tell his owner that the house is on fire. Give 'em hell, Jimmy!

            Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein were dressed for a funeral when they announced we'd have to wait until June to give Gonzo his sense of the Senate slap. It's mourning in America.

            Gonzo disrespects the laws he swore to uphold. He agreed to go around the FISA court to unlawfully spy on citizens. He saw nothing wrong with outsourcing torture or violating the Geneva Conventions.

            We've recently learned that as lawmakers looked into the firings of at least eight U.S. attorneys, Gonzales was lying and scheming. Given an immunity deal, Monica Goodling testified under oath to her lawlessness and said Gonzo came to her to coordinate a cover story.

            As the president's consigliore, Gonzo rushed to the hospital bedside of then Attorney General John Ashcroft to get him to sign off on some extrajudicial and morally reprehensible scheme by the White House.

            Ashcroft, sick but lucid, did the honorable thing and refused. Have to give him credit for that.

            Each time Gonzo comes before Congress, he has a different story and blames discrepancies on a flawed memory. He's a poor law enforcer and an even worse witness. It's not his memory that is flawed, it's the man. Gonzales is about as useful a lawman as a brick for a Blackberry.

            Yet, the Double Ds cannot launch a greater offensive besides a paper that says "We don't like what you are doing to the country and we wish you and your boss would go back to Texas." The Founding Fathers must be spinning.

            The BSers took down a president. All the Democrats can offer is a rejection slip for Gonzo and divided votes about Iraq war spending. This makes my blood boil and my downward-facing dog howl. As we say in Kansas City, "Namaste, dammit!"

            Comedian Stephen Colbert said it best when he observed that, "the Dems have cut and run from their cutting and running."

            For a senator from a betting state, Nevada's Harry Reid is a poor gambler. The Senate Majority Leader and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bet big, knowing President Bush would do as promised and veto their time-sensitive war bill. Then their party came up short when the stakes were higher.

            Democrats helped defeat their replacement bill because it was a rubberstamp for the president. Plus, the vote occurred before Memorial Day.

            Wet Willie lost his job because he was a bad husband, not a bad president. The BSers convinced their fellow Americans that the lustful besmirching of the Oval Office was the worst thing that could happen to our great nation.

            What are we, seminarians or Americans? Good question, if I say so myself.

            As President Bush said of Democrats trying to expose the truth about fired U.S. attorneys, the Republicans "kinda drug out" the whole character issue back then for political gain. They got rid of Clinton and weakened Al Gore.

            It's not that they are virtuous. When Clinton was philandering, so was Newt Gingrich, although he only just recently admitted to it.

            The BSers outslicked Slick Willie. Though Hillary warned of a "vast right-wing conspiracy" out to get them, Clinton let down his guard.

            These guys are pros at attack politics and organizing Republicans around the idea that even if they do not fully subscribe to the cause in play, they need to form a united front.

            Remember the old typing exercise? Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. That is the BS credo and a lesson that the Democrats ought to learn.

            Rhonda Chriss Lokeman ( is a columnist for the Kansas City Star. To find out more about Rhonda Chriss Lokeman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at COPYRIGHT 2007 CREATORS SYNDICATE INC