We drew an unmistakable line in the sand yesterday.

Whatever our opponents thought they knew, they now know is very, very incorrect. Our message was delivered clearly and emphatically: "We did not and will not turn our backs on the people who watch ours."

Issue 2/Senate bill 5 was crushed 61% - 39% thanks to hardworking volunteers, voters, and contributors like you who defended Ohio's everyday heroes against shameless and extreme partisan attacks. We didn't start this fight, and it doesn't have to be this way moving forward.

Last night was a time to reflect upon and celebrate the fruits of our hard work, from petition gathering to rejecting SB5, but now we must lay the groundwork for what lies ahead. It's time to come together and focus our legislators on something worthwhile: protecting and creating good-paying jobs for all Ohioans.

You can get started really easily by using our SB5 tool to find out whether your legislator stood with or against you on Issue 2/SB5.

Click here to find where your representative stood and to send them a message.

It's very important to thank those who stood with us and make your thoughts known to those who did not. As in all things, please be respectful when conveying your message.

Click here to find where your representative stood on SB5 and to send them a message to support good-paying jobs for all Ohioans.

On behalf of my family and all Ohioans, I thank you again for your support.

I am truly humbled.


Doug Stern

Cincinnati Fire Fighter