
The U.S. Department of the Treasury said in a March letter to Faith Fippinger that she broke the law by crossing the Iraqi border before the war. This is a direct quote from the website, first paragraph. I wonder how much of a fine or prison time we should give George Bush and his little gang of warriors on lying to the American people about Weapons of Mass Destruction that are nowhere to be found? What is the justification in how our government handles those who do not agree with them? This administration moves quickly on those individual’s who disagree and usually act out on these people with such fervor that it just scares the hell out of the rest of us. Of course the monster that is our news doesn’t help.

Faith Fippinger is a 62 year old woman that is looking at having ten thousand dollars garnisheed from her social security now because she acted upon her constitutional rights to disagree with a war that we are now finding out has it’s own secrets, and I can bet there are a whole lot of other secrets that we haven’t found out yet. Faith Fippinger could face twelve years in prison. This probably won’t happen, but it was considered, or is still being considered. Faith Fippinger is a patriot in her own right.

I am sure there are some legal beagle spin factory kinds of things going on with what laws were broken, but, lying to the American people and putting us at war based upon these lies seems like a much greater sin, at least based upon my perspective.

During the middle sixties to the late seventies the “young” Americans of this country stood up and told the government that what they were doing in Viet Nam was wrong. A large majority of those speaking out were the solders that were victimized by this war. When all was said and done in Viet Nam, the American casualties were fifty eight thousand and Viet Nam lost ten times and over as many men, women and children. Ah yes we are a very efficient war machine, even when we loose.

It’s difficult to disagree with a government over a leader like Saddam whom is a monster. It’s not illegal to disagree with the government over this, though, at least not yet. We, as Americans have a unique opportunity in history right now. We, as Americans can stand up to the government with four and five generations of people who can stand together and say, “We are tired of senseless death. We are tired of lies. We are tired of corruption. We are tired of corporate business running this country. We are tired of insurance companies making it possible for people to die of diseases and illnesses that they could have been saved from. We are tired of a fabricated War On Drugs that is nothing more than another moneymaker for the government. We are tied of spin factories and we are tired of watching our country go to pieces right before our eyes.

Don’t listen to the news anymore. Biased news reporting is a thing of the past. When they tell you that the economy is getting better, don’t believe it. It’s not hard for the common man and woman to accomplish this task. We are all out of work and looking for jobs that don’t exist, and McDonald’s and Burger King are not options for making a living. Wal-Mart is not a solution to the unemployment rate in this country.

History has taught us over and over again that the process that is taking place in this country right now only accomplishes creating the very rich and the very poor. The middle class is shrinking every day and their voices are not being heard, and whether the very rich like it or not, the middle class is by far more important than they are.

Don’t give up hope, oh old and young hippies. It takes rebellion to make change. It takes strength and dedication to get things accomplished and it even takes sacrifice sometimes.

Don’t misunderstand me here either. I don’t like George Bush and his gang of warriors. I also know that the democrats have become the clowns of the circus. Politicians are all goofy. Reality shows are popular because the real world sucks and I for one am tired of being lied to.
