Counteracting the recent US Supreme Court decision to let US big corporations pour as much money they want during every single US political election as to elect their candidates that would promote their exclusive business interests even at the expense of the American people.

The Edwards amendment will ensure that Congress and the states may prohibit corporations from spending their funds for political activity.

Twelve days ago, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling striking at the heart of our democracy. The Court disregarded more than a century of precedent and ruled that our Constitution prevents the American people from regulating corporate money in our elections and politics. That’s wrong and we don’t buy it.

And twelve days ago, we stood up to fight back. Thousands of you joined us in our call for a constitutional amendment to defend our democracy and to restore the First Amendment to its intended purpose: to protect people, not corporations.

And, today, Congresswoman Donna Edwards of Maryland has introduced a constitutional amendment to overturn the Court’s ruling. Joined by Congressman John Conyers, Jr. of Michigan, the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, the Edwards amendment will ensure that Congress and the states may prohibit corporations from spending their funds for political activity.

The Framers of the Constitution intended the First Amendment to protect the rights of citizens, everyday people, not corporations. Corporations are not people. They are artificial entities created by the state with state-based advantages. In fact, the recent ruling will certainly drown out the voices of the very citizens the First Amendment was meant to protect.

We as a nation have amended the United States Constitution before. Twenty-seven times. That history includes amendments in response to US Supreme Court rulings directly threatening the democratic process. The Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC demands a similar constitutional amendment response.

But to do this, we need to build a broad-based democracy movement. You can help make this happen.

Ways to Get Involved

Forward this email to at least 10 or more of your friends urging that they join us and sign the petition.
Contact your Member of Congress in the House of Representatives and United States Senate, about the Edwards amendment.
Organize a local amendment committee.
Donate to support this campaign.
Follow Free Speech for People on Twitter and Facebook to receive the latest news on the campaign.

Together, we will reclaim our First Amendment and our democracy.
Free Speech for the People