Freep Hero - Richard Land
Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, pointed out the obvious concerning the Ten Commandments monument controversy in Alabama. When people seek to impose their religious morality on others using the coercive power of the state and public resources and facilities, they are “practicing religious apartheid in public places while ignoring that we are a nation of many faiths.” Amen!
Freep Hero - Alaska
The state of Alaska understands that the government should not be breaking into people’s houses if they’re only holding 4 ounces or less of marijuana. Smoking dope during the long Alaskan winters makes more sense than becoming part of Prozac Nation.
The Free Press Salutes
Local activist awards recipients
Congratulations to the following local people and local organizations:
The Peace Pretzel website - In January of 2002, an ordinary pretzel was able to knock George W. Bush unconscious. In November of 2004, the Peace Pretzel wants to knock him all the way out of Washington D.C. This is a great resource for peace graphics you can copy and print. This local website got “The Unrepentant Liberal Award” which is awarded to websites that uphold liberal values in an informative, humorous, or unique way. The awards are granted spontaneously and sporadically, whenever an exceptional site is discovered.
Ohio Citizen Action 2003 award recipients are Teresa Mills - the Howard M. Metzenbaum Ohio Citizen Action Award Julie Weatherington-Rice - The Scientific Leadership Award Golden Heart Award - Michael Smalz, local attorney and fellow-peace activist - awarded the Golden Heart Award in Washington D.C. at the national conference of the Association for Enforcement of Child Support. Mike is receiving this award for his work with the Ohio State Legal Services Association that successfully sued for the state to remit millions of dollars of child support to low-income parents who were no longer on public assistance. Kudos to all!
Enemies of the People
Cornell McCleary
Taking advantage of a grief-stricken family to propagate racist stereotypes and justify a police shooting before all the facts are in is dangerous and reprehensible. McCleary’s investigative report on the Duante Miller shooting in Columbus is an editorial to promote his talk show on WTVN and does nothing to make us a better community. See Bob Fitrakis's article for details.
John Grosssman Grossman, Columbus Educational Association president, refuses to allow workplace fundraising organization Community Shares of Mid-Ohio into its campaign, making sure that the Columbus Public School teachers who he represents can’t give to their charity of choice. They may give only to the United Way. Grossman’s conflict of interest is obvious since he sits on the United Way Board. Who is he working for? The teachers or corporate-friendly charities?
Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, pointed out the obvious concerning the Ten Commandments monument controversy in Alabama. When people seek to impose their religious morality on others using the coercive power of the state and public resources and facilities, they are “practicing religious apartheid in public places while ignoring that we are a nation of many faiths.” Amen!
Freep Hero - Alaska
The state of Alaska understands that the government should not be breaking into people’s houses if they’re only holding 4 ounces or less of marijuana. Smoking dope during the long Alaskan winters makes more sense than becoming part of Prozac Nation.
The Free Press Salutes
Local activist awards recipients
Congratulations to the following local people and local organizations:
The Peace Pretzel website - In January of 2002, an ordinary pretzel was able to knock George W. Bush unconscious. In November of 2004, the Peace Pretzel wants to knock him all the way out of Washington D.C. This is a great resource for peace graphics you can copy and print. This local website got “The Unrepentant Liberal Award” which is awarded to websites that uphold liberal values in an informative, humorous, or unique way. The awards are granted spontaneously and sporadically, whenever an exceptional site is discovered.
Ohio Citizen Action 2003 award recipients are Teresa Mills - the Howard M. Metzenbaum Ohio Citizen Action Award Julie Weatherington-Rice - The Scientific Leadership Award Golden Heart Award - Michael Smalz, local attorney and fellow-peace activist - awarded the Golden Heart Award in Washington D.C. at the national conference of the Association for Enforcement of Child Support. Mike is receiving this award for his work with the Ohio State Legal Services Association that successfully sued for the state to remit millions of dollars of child support to low-income parents who were no longer on public assistance. Kudos to all!
Enemies of the People
Cornell McCleary
Taking advantage of a grief-stricken family to propagate racist stereotypes and justify a police shooting before all the facts are in is dangerous and reprehensible. McCleary’s investigative report on the Duante Miller shooting in Columbus is an editorial to promote his talk show on WTVN and does nothing to make us a better community. See Bob Fitrakis's article for details.
John Grosssman Grossman, Columbus Educational Association president, refuses to allow workplace fundraising organization Community Shares of Mid-Ohio into its campaign, making sure that the Columbus Public School teachers who he represents can’t give to their charity of choice. They may give only to the United Way. Grossman’s conflict of interest is obvious since he sits on the United Way Board. Who is he working for? The teachers or corporate-friendly charities?