The U.S.-centric nature of American politics often affects the
U.S. left. It's hard to get out of USA mindsets long enough to grasp
the global implications of decisions made here at home. Yet the
effects of U.S. government policies are so enormous across the
planet that some people have suggested -- with more than a little
justification -- that every person on Earth should get to vote in
U.S. presidential elections.
On the international left, no one has more credibility as an
unwavering opponent of U.S. foreign policy than Tariq Ali. Raised in
Pakistan, he was a leader of Britain's Vietnam Solidarity Campaign
in the 1960s, and is now a prominent London-based writer and an
editor at New Left Review. His recent books include "Bush in
Babylon" and "The Clash of Fundamentalisms." As progressives in the
United States try to make sense out of the current presidential
campaign, Ali's perspective on the global significance of Bush's
electoral fate deserves serious consideration.
"I travel a great deal, all the continents, and I think
everywhere I go there is growing anger -- and if one can just be
totally blunt, real hatred of this administration -- because of what
it did in Iraq, the war it waged, the civilians it killed, the mess
it's made, and its inability to understand even, the scale of what
it's done," Ali said during an August 5 interview on WBAI Radio in
New York. "And from that point of view, if the American population
were to vote Bush out of office, I think the impact globally would
be tremendous... People would say this guy took his country to war,
surrounded by these neocons who developed bogus arguments and lies
to go to war against Iraq, he lied to his people, he misused
intelligence information, and the American people have voted him
out. That in itself I think would have a tremendous impact on world
public opinion."
Ali added: "A defeat for a warmonger government in Washington
would be seen as a step forward. I don't go beyond that, but there
is no doubt in my mind that it would have an impact globally."
Of course John Kerry has been eagerly touting his own brand of
militarism, a fact that's very much on the minds of U.S.
progressives. Interviewing Ali on the radio broadcast, Left Business
Observer editor Doug Henwood raised the point: "A lot of people in
the American left in particular, such as it is, are saying that
Kerry's not much better, that Bush is really pretty much the same
old thing, that he's an imperialist and a warmonger just like all
his predecessors and there's not all that much difference, and
Kerry -- who opened his acceptance speech with a military salute --
would be just pretty much more of the same. What do you say to
"We're talking about the government which took the United
States to war," Ali replied. ".... If Gore had been elected
president, he would probably have gone to war on Afghanistan if a
9/11 had happened, but personally I doubt whether he would have gone
to war on Iraq. This is very much a neocon agenda, dominated by the
need to both get the oil, as we know, but also to appease the
Israelis, who've been very keen on this war. This particular war in
Iraq is very much something this particular administration went for.
So a defeat of this administration would be a defeat of the war
Speaking from an international perspective, Ali doesn't
hesitate to challenge the odd notion that worse could actually be
better: "There is an argument ... going around in the American left,
which I read, which is the following. It goes like this -- 'Yeah,
but Bush has really united the world against the United States
empire, and that's a good thing.' But I do not like arguments like
that." Ali went on: "This is an argument you can have from the
luxury of your sitting room or kitchen in the United States, but the
fact is that this particular regime has taken the lives of at least
37,000 civilians in Iraq as a result of the war, not counting any
members in the old army of Iraq. Thirty-seven thousand civilians
have died, and for them it's not an abstract question... So a defeat
for Bush would certainly be greeted in many parts of the world as a
small victory. This doesn't mean that one has any illusions about
Kerry. I certainly don't... I'm pretty disgusted by the militarism
at the Democratic convention.... But despite all that -- and we know
what the Democrats are, and we know the wars they've waged -- our
option at the moment is limited. Do we defeat a warmonger government
or not? Do we try our best to do it?"
As Ali put it, "I think there is a lot to be done at the
present time. And my own feeling is that a defeat for Bush would
create a different atmosphere, let's say in American political
culture, to show it can be done. And it will make people much more
Tariq Ali's analysis comes at a crucial time for the American
left. On the one hand, we're being encouraged by liberals to pretend
that the Kerry-Edwards ticket is some kind of progressive dream
team -- a fanciful notion that doesn't become any more true no
matter how many times it's reiterated. On the other hand, there's a
dangerous ultra tendency to say that it's no big deal whether we get
four more years of Bush or four years of Kerry in the White House.
Meanwhile, Ali has articulated a key question we must answer with
our actions: "Do we defeat a warmonger government or not?"
Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon have co-authored three books together
critically analyzing corporate media. Cohen was communications
director of Kucinich for President in 2003. Solomon's latest book is
"Target Iraq: What the News Media Didn't Tell You."
This article was co-written with Jeff Cohen