We start our Green Grassroots Emergency Election Protection zoom #134 with RACHEL COYLE’s truly astonishing report from the Ohio Heartland.
She starts with the “Education Destruction Act” poised to decimate learning throughout the state.
She then explains the gerrymandered legislature’s attempt to gut the referendum process while assaulting women’s ability to control their own bodies.
She follows with a horrifying account of the legislature’s defiance of the state Supreme Court in defense of the illegal gerrymandered maps that keep it in power.
MARY JANE BORDEN chimes in with a mind-boggling account of the struggle to legalize marijuana in Ohio, which has made remarkable progress cutting through the fascist fog.
WENDI LEDERMAN then explains the horrible official murder of the 27-year-old activist TORTUGUITA, who was shot dead---while seated, with his hands up—with 57 cop bullets in his body.
The fight over the 85-acre Cop City police center in a public forest in Atlanta continues to spiral down into tragic violence.
Meanwhile, the city of Fort Lauderdale is being overwhelmed with flooding, raw sewage and toxic pollution, threatening human and all other life.
Wendi’s joined by fellow activist LEANN BARBER as we navigate the horrifying swamp of our bought-and-paid-for government.
Together, they forces of justice and sanity must prevail…or we go extinct.
GreeGree #134 Second Hour:
The MOTHERS FOR PEACE are among the nation’s greatest activists, and from them has come the wonderful LINDA SEELEY.
Linda updates us on the desperate struggle to shut the Diablo Canyon nuclear reactors before they blow up and contaminate all of California.
Indeed, because Diablo is upwind of most of North America it threatens the entire United States with deadly fallout.
The infuriating strong-arm tactics of Gavin Newsom have ignited a furious resistance that must prevail if humankind is to survive.
DR. NANCY NIPARKO follows with her powerful explanation of how plastics are utterly destroying our oceans and global eco-systems.
Nancy’s compelling presentation underscores the desperate need to replace plastic with stuff that can, in fact, bio-degrade.
MYLA RESON, JUSTIN LEBLANC, TATANKA BRICCA, RUTH STRAUSS, JEFFREY BARKDULL, DOROTHY REIK, PAUL NEWMAN. JOAN SEEMAN and other great activists hugely contribute to this monumental discuss.
JOIN US to save the Earth…and we’ll see you next week.
Ohio & Florida Plunge Deep To The Dark Side, Taking Us With Them