This presentation will be at the core of progressive non-media-based electoral work for the coming year and beyond.

Our first GREEP zoom of 2024 lays out in deep detail the Grassroots path to defeating dictatorship in this fall election.

ANDREA MILLER and RAY MCCLENDON are the two major architects of “relational” organizing in the southeastern US.

For nearly two hours they lay out the foundational guidelines for a winning strategy among ordinary voters throughout the US.

This presentation will be at the core of progressive non-media-based electoral work for the coming year and beyond.

Needless to say, the future of American democracy rests on the clarity and success of this presentation.

WENDI LEDERMAN adds a brutal assessment of the attack on a woman’s right to control her own body.

JUSTIN LEBLANC adds broad perspective to the issue.

STEVE CARUSO reports on the absolute insanity dominating Ohio.

DR. NANCY NIPARKO gives us critical data on women’s health in the US.

TATANKA BRICCA warns of the loss of our republic.

MYLA RESON bids us a fond farewell.

And we congratulate the University of Michigan football team on its first natonal championship in many decades.