Redhorse is charged with "ENGAGING IN UNAUTHORIZED GROUP ACTIVITY"AS SET FORTH IN 520-9-37 OF THE Admin code Sec.-2-A,B,C.

Anthony Redhorse Driscoll is an Indian Prisoner held in the 'HOLE' at the London, Ohio Correctional Institution (L.O.C.I.) He is being persecuted for his involvement with his Indian Nation. The Prison authorities are saying that our nation the United Eastern Lenape Nation, and Programs in our Nation, are a security risk. We have Aims and Goals that advocate Honorable and Non Violent behavior, we are not just a 'prisoner group' but an authentic Nation of working people.

We practice the ways of the Big House and live by the traditions of our ancestors. On the inside of the prisons our members cannot involve themselves in the workings of the Nation except to walk as honorable men and women and to try to help his/her fellow man where and when he/she can. There is no 'Gang" activity and no security risks in doing such.

Redhorse has been a model prisoner for ten years. He has worked and carried himself honorably in all ways. He has helped his fellow prisoners in many ways. He is an inside Facillitator for the Alternative to Violence Program and has done tutoring with other prisoners in general education, with music and with sign language among the deaf. He has kept clean of drugs, has not caused any trouble of any nature and has done NOTHING to warrant this charge.

We are calling on all people to write, call, email and/or fax letters to any of the officials listed below to show your support for Redhorse, demanding that he be treated fairly....and that the gang activity charge be overturned and expunged from his record.

Contacts for Action:

Director Reginald A. Wilkinson
Ohio Department of Rehabilitations and Corrections
1050 Freeway Drive North
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Ph: 1-614-752-1164

Terry Collins
Deputy Director of Institutions
1050 Freeway Drive North
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Ph: 1-614-752-1729

Senator Mark Mallory
Correctional Institution Inspection Commission
State House Senate Bldg.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Ph: 1-614-466-5980
fax: 1-614-644-6164

Warden Marc Houk
P.O. Box 69
1580 State Rt. 56
London, Ohio 43140
fax: 1-740-852-4854

Letters of Support can be mailed directly to Redhorse.
He can receive up to three postage embossed envelopes,available at your local Post Offices, per letter.(no stamps)

Contact him at:
Redhorse Driscoll #261-789
P.O.Box 69 - SMH
London, Ohio 43140

Contact me at:
Sandi Taylor
3087 Cassady Village Drive #F3
Columbus, Ohio 43219
