
Dear Dr Fitrakis and members of Columbus Free Press:

Perhaps you heard on WCBE a recent news story about Howard Dean's visit to Ohio and his discussion of the immense corruption of Ohio's Republican Party. The reporter was Natalie Walston and as of yet, I am not sure who is responsible for that story but it was a horrid example of journalism that has got me thinking. In short, Walston made an unnecessary description of Dean by referring to his infamous "I have a Dream" speech which essentially sunk his campaign. Walston's story even included an excerpt of the speech. Given the stated content of the story, the reference to the "Scream" speech was entirely unnecessary and clearly meant to discredit him.

I later called Walston and asked her why she included this reference and she responded, "...he had a calmer voice this time." I then responded, "Oh come on..." and then she hung up on me!

I am quite shocked at the tabloid level of reporting that this represents and it really makes me wonder if this is simply base journalism meant to entertain the masses or even worse, representing that "Statehouse News Bureau" is in cahouts with the Republican party. And this is the so-called "liberal media" NPR!! lol!

Best regards, Lowell Lybarger

Here is the URL and downloadable audio version of story. Try to save the entire file to your computer for future reference:

"Howard Dean, State Democrats Call For Reforms by Natalie Walston - January 18, 2006