Jamil Simon


Jamil Simon is a documentary filmmaker who has worked in over 25 countries, developing communication strategies to promote social and environmental reform. He has promoted sustainable agriculture in Malawi, conflict resolution skills in Jordan, democracy in Mali, and water conservation in Tunisia. Most of this work has been done for USAID, DFID, and the World Bank. Simon was a conscientious objector during the war on Vietnam. Recently, he put together an event in New York City called War Stories Peace Stories. It took a deep look at the impact of the way the news media covers peace and conflict on public perceptions, and also how can it be done differently. Simon is currently producing a film about Peacebuilding in Burundi that will become part of a more ambitious film about peacebuilding in 4 countries– Burundi, Ireland, Sri Lanka and Colombia. See:

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.

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Original Article Here:http://davidswanson.org/jamil-simon-on-media-coverage-of-peace-building


David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is director of WorldBeyondWar.org and campaign coordinator for RootsAction.org. Swanson's books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at DavidSwanson.org and WarIsACrime.org. He hosts Talk Nation Radio.He is a 2015, 2016, 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.

Follow him on Twitter: @davidcnswanson and FaceBook.

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