Deepa Driver on Julian Assange

#101 Gree-Gree

We start the GREE-GREE gathering #101 with a remarkable report from DEEPA DRIVER on the torturous treatment of JULIAN ASSANGE. Reporting from London, Deepa gives us a brilliant history of Wikileaks and its astounding impact on the world of internet journalism. She also fills us in on the horrific treatment being criminally imposed on its founder and the courageous willingness to bust official secrecy that he represents.

We then hear from the great DENNIS BERNSTEIN on Henry Hyde and the deeply rooted connections between anti-abortion fascism and the cynical official use of the drug trade. Host of the nationally syndicated FLASHPOINTS news show, which originates at Pacifica’s KPFA in Berkeley, Dennis recounts the vile machinations of the Republican Congressman from Illinois in shaping the cynical Hyde Amendment, which banned the use of public money to fund abortions for those who could not afford them. The Holier-than-Thou Hyde was of course enmeshed in exactly the kind of extra-marital affair he denounced while working to deprive women of control of their own bodies. With the Reagans, as Dennis tells us, Hyde was also tainted with massive drug imports perpetrated by America’s right-wing clientele.

We end with a deep dive into the horrors of America’s decayed, disastrous atomic reactor fleet, 92 radioactive dinosaurs waiting to explode. TATANKA BRICCA, SCOTT DENMAN, ACE HOFFMAN and others warn that the longer these de facto weapons of mass radioactive suicide continue to operate, the more likely our nation will fall victim to a bona fide apocalypse.