
Our country is being bled dry as good jobs leave. Large, multi-national corporations have no loyalty to any nation. Their only goal is to maximize profits. They will go where labor is cheapest and laws regarding safety, pollution, etc. are least or non-existent. If they can employ workers in China for 25 cents a day, you would have to work for 20 cents a day to compete. It is a race to the bottom. There are places where child labor is available even cheaper or slave labor is available at no cost at all. How do we keep jobs here? The answer is not to work for pennies a day, or keep expanding prisons to provide more slave labor or let our children be abused and discarded or give up benefits and retirement or continually work longer hours for less pay or eliminate all our health and safety laws. Instead of tearing down the wages and benefits of American workers and reducing our standard of living to the point that we make only cents per day like they do in impoverished nations the answer is to build wages up in these other countries to the point their wages are comparable to ours. To do this we must build labor unions in other countries so that workers the world over receive a living wage and the evils of child and slave labor are eliminated. We should be the leader in supporting worldwide pollution, health and safety laws so there is no place these corporations can go to dump pollution, abuse children, etc. But many of my fellow workers refuse to support unions. They benefit from contracts negotiated by the union but do not pay dues. It is sad that many working people are duped by rightist propaganda into voting against their own interests for elitists like Bush. Once this inherited elite has finished taking workers for everything they have the elite will dump these misguided working class Bush supporters who they consider little more than useful idiots. Perhaps the working class is waking up a bit as oil companies gouge them with ridiculously high gas prices. Left unstopped these conservative politicians will leave this country jobless and drowning in debt. For years they have used our tax dollars to support right-wing dictators and terrorists in other countries. If you send a union organizer to these countries the organizers disappear. They are arrested, tortured or assassinated. The far right is willing to use any tactic; lying, cheating, torture, murder, etc. to destroy unions and to prevent internationalization of pollution control laws, etc. If local people try to resist or rebel the military is called in and freedom is brutally crushed. To build a better world where there is no child or slave labor, where there are no slums, homelessness, disease, or war, where education and health care is available to everyone we must defend the freedom to organize and join unions and defeat the fascist politicians and the terrorists and dictators they team up with.