In Dubious Battle - More militant than and written before The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck depicted a bitter Red-led strike in California’s orchards in his 1936 novel. James Franco stars in and directed this neglected 2016 gem with Selena Gomez, Robert Duvall, Ed Harris, Bryan Cranston (who previously portrayed blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo), Vincent D’Onofrio.


WHAT: Screening of In Dubious Battle; 113 minutess. Film historian/critic Ed Rampell intros the film, followed by Q&A.


WHEN: Doors open 7:00 p.m., program starts by 7:30 p.m., on Thursday, Oct. 25.


Where: The L.A. Workers Center, 1251 S. St. Andrews Place, L.A., CA 90019. Refreshments served. Donations requested.


Marx @ 200: The Marxist Movie Series commemorates the bi-centennial of Karl Marx’s birth by screening films by and/or about Marxists. For schedule see: For info contact: