Our GREEP zoom gathering #173 begins with the magnificent MIMI GERMAN, our much-loved Poet Laureate. Mimi reads us her fabulous poem about the time she almost got shot at the CGS nuke on the Hanford nuclear wasteland.

Plus she tells of our great adventure on the legendary peace boat GOLDEN RULE and the time we were rammed (true!!!) by a police boat while protesting Portland’s militaristic “fleet week.”

The great DENNIS BERNSTEIN joins us with tales of his activism as we celebrate the massive impact of his nationally syndicated FLASHPOINTS SHOW on KPFA/Pacifica. 

PAUL NEWMAN chips in with a great comment on nuclear casualties.

RON LEONARD reminds us of the realities of the insane continued operations at Diablo Canyon...and of the new Friends of the Earth lawsuit against the handout to keep Diablo headed toward an uninsured Armageddon.

The connection between nuclear power and nuclear weapons is underscored by ALFRED MEYER.

WENDI LEDERMAN the introduces the amazing PAUL BURKE of VOTEWELL.NET, who fills us in on many of the crucial the realities of  election theft.

DONALD SMITH and PAUL STOKES raise additional key issues on election protection,

At the top of the second hour, we’re joined by the legendary NORMAN SOLOMON.

Norman’s uniquely brilliant career as a journalist includes his work as a non-violent pioneer for peace.

As a co-author of KILLING OUR OWN, Norman reminds us of the horrible death toll among downwinders from the lethal Nevada Bomb tests of the 1950s and ‘60s.

Norman also urges our participation in DAN ELLSBERG WEEK, upcoming June 10-16.

TATANKA BRICCA reminds us of Ellsberg’s true greatness and of the many adventures they shared. 

RUTH STRAUSS then reminds us that peace activism can be a dangerous business….and that the voting machines bought with millions of taxpayer dollars for Los Angeles are seriously problematic.

MARION EDEY, legendary founder of the League of Conservation Voters and co-founder of the Threshold Foundatlon talks to us about election protection and more.

We then hear MYLA RESON bemoaning the illusion among some young people that nuclear power can help fight global warming; she also raises the issue of depleted uranium being mis-used in US warfare.

MIKE HERSH reminds us of the great accomplishments of the Clamshell Alliance and Norman’s very effective activism in Oregon on shutting the Trojan reactor.

Norman ends with a plea for the revival of diplomacy as a tool of foreign policy rather than building ever-more weapons for increasingly insane wars.

With such a mindset, Norman warns, DR. STRANGELOVE remains a documentary….NO NUKES!!!