
Charles Mercieca, Ph.D.
International Association of Educators for World Peace
Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education,
Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament
Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University

Since its declaration of independence in 1776, the United States has been involved in many wars. Several books were written in this regard including an elaborate pictorial book, Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism by Dr. Joel Andreas who teaches in John Hopkins University in Baltimore. This pictorial book is also available in Spanish and has been translated into Japanese, Korean, Thai, Danish, and German in addition to other languages. More information from: or

Military Held as Top Priority

The top priority of the American government seemed always to have been the military, which has proven to be the only institution in the world that can perform atrocities without limit and without being held accountable. Several governments use the military to secure by force what otherwise could not be secured through diplomatic means. Before we focus on the most devastating war in American history, we need to have a clear concept of the institution of the military and the nature of war.

Almost everywhere, soldiers are trained to perform destructive actions fearlessly and with no scruples. Throughout the recorded history of 6,000 years of civilization, we hardly find cases where the military was trained for humanitarian purposes. Also, we do not have any recollection of a military that was held accountable for its atrocious actions that might have caused the ruthless massacre of tens of thousands of innocent people consisting mostly of women, children, the elderly and the sick.

Those that managed to survive the military brutal assault ended up maimed with arms and/or legs amputated and faces disfigured for life, not to mention the suicides that took place afterwards in desperation. In every nation, the most important element consists of the people. If the people are healthy, if they enjoy the benefits of a good education, if they experience a prosperous civilian economy, then we may safely conclude that we have a strong nation.

In other words, the strength of the nation cannot be measured in terms of military power but in terms of the eventual determination, character and personality of the people. This explains why so many governments try to control their people through indoctrination, brain-washing, manipulation and even oppression, if needed. However, regardless of the brutal persecution and ruthless suppression people may experience from their government, they always end getting the upper hand, sooner or later.

Emergence of New Devastating War

Right now the United States government is about to experience the most devastating war in American history. This amounts to a war with its very own people! Once more, it will be demonstrated that the US government, with all of its military might and most devastating weapons cannot do much when it comes to waging a war against the American people. Everyone recalls how the US government has brain-washed the American people into believing that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that this Arab nation became a threat to the security of the United States!

Finally, the American people have opened their eyes widely. They are now convinced that they were lead into a war was not needed. The 3,000 young Americans that were killed and left their families devastated for life, would have still been alive. The several thousands of other young Americans that were maimed with arms and/or legs amputated would have had the opportunity to lead a normal life. Besides, the 660,000 of innocent Iraqi civilians that died consisting mostly of women, children, the elderly and the sick, would have been still alive. Also, the infrastructure of their cities would have remained intact.

In view of this, the American people have demanded boldly from their government to cut off immediately all further funding for the Iraqi war. They also demanded that all US troops would be brought home with no further delay whatsoever. But when they saw that the US government was not listening to their demands then they proceeded to oust the entire US Republican government from both the Senate and the House of Representatives. They brought back into power the Democrats who promised to fulfill the American people’s wishes.

The predicted mess that would be left in Iraq should US troops leave that nation does not seem to be valid considering that the United Nations would eventually take over. Since the USA invaded Iraq, the people of the world at large revealed more respect for the United Nations than for the United States. Besides, the vast majority of Iraqis want the US troops to leave their country by all means. They attribute the mess that is going on to their presence.

However, the Republicans who belong to the same political party of the self-proclaimed War President George W. Bush have not given up. They are now using fear tactics in an effort to bring the Democrats under their full control. They will do anything to continue with the funding of the Iraqi War through its augmentation by having more US troops sent instead of pulling such troops completely out of Iraq, as the American people have adamantly and strongly demanded with crystal clarity.

Need for Disengagement from Iraq

The American people do not want to see the massacre of their very own beloved children fighting in Iraq rising from the present loss of 3,000 to the figure of 58,000 of US troops killed in Vietnam. They want to see their children’s lives saved before they are dead. As stated earlier, the USA must listen to the will of the most powerful constitutional element in the nation, the American people. Otherwise, the US government may find itself waging a devastating war against the will of its own people, which would eventually prove to be a grave mistake.

As stated earlier, the Democrats were brought to power by the American people on the assurance that they would stop further funding for the Iraqi war. Also, the American people were promised the withdrawal of all American troops from Iraq within a few months. What may the American people do if they see that they were once more deceived by their politicians? During the next elections in 2008, all those that did not keep their promises will be replaced by all means. Such politicians may likely be forced to say good-bye to their political career.

Like President Eisenhower warned the US congress in his farewell address, the people want peace so badly that they will ultimately get it by all means. The illegal and unethical invasion of Iraq might have been a blessing in disguise. The American people are becoming increasingly more united in dehypnotizing themselves from their false beliefs as they were fed to them by their own belligerent government, which has lost its credibility so widely around the world. The US government cannot win the confidence and trust of the world when it says one thing and does another.

While the USA speaks of democracy and freedom, it promotes dictatorship and it imposes restrictions of travel on its citizens. While it advocates to other nations not to have weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons, the US government continues to manufacture and stock such weapons. While it expects all nations to observe the rule of law, the US government puts itself above the law reserving the right to do what it likes, even attacking other nations preemptively without any warning.

Since World War II was over in 1945, the USA never considered even remotely the development of an international program of disarmament and arms control. On the contrary, after the collapse of communism it escalated the manufacture of nuclear weapons and landmines. It even proceeded to promote the proliferation of the sales of weapons to anyone who would give the right price, friend and enemy alike. The USA is responsible for turning into a lucrative business the manufacture and sales of weapons along with the waging of wars.

Weapons and Wars as Lucrative Business

In fact, many believe that most of the US government officials, along with chief executives of the machinery of war became multi millionaires through these abusive military ventures. If that were to be the case, then some drastic remedial steps need to be taken in the best interest of the American people and every human being across every continent. All those that made millions of dollars from the manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of wars, should put away all the money they made into a general fund.

Such money could then be used to provide shelter for the homeless everywhere, to provide food for the hungry in all nations, and to provide medical and educational facilities wherever they are needed. After all, the US politicians and executives of big corporations must keep in mind that the millions of dollars made from the manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of wars consisted of merely blood money. This may be viewed as cursed money that is bound to bring in due time a scourge to their families, relatives and friends that formed a part of it in one way or another.

Let us bring to mind the words of former US President Dwight Eisenhower who reminded the US congress saying in his farewell speech: “Remember that every dollar that is spent on weapons and wars is a theft from the hungry and the poor.” He also underlined an increasingly felt fact saying: “Remember that all people of all nations want peace, only their government wants war.” He also ended up saying: “People everywhere want peace so badly that the government will eventually have no choice but to give it to them.”

May the American people continue with their determination to stop the further US funding of the Iraqi war and of any other war, as a matter of fact. May they continue to insist that they want to see all world problems solved merely through diplomatic means and not through the waging of wars. The time has arrived when the institution of the military must be radically changed from one of destruction to one of construction, from an agency of death to an agency of life, from a source of tyranny to a fountain of love, prosperity and peace.

In spite of its foreign belligerent policies, the USA could still achieve the full trust and confidence of the entire world, which it lost so miserably over the past few decades. It all depends on the US government. If the American politicians continue to put themselves above the law by ignoring the US constitution, then the future of the USA is doomed. On the other hand, if the American politicians do their very best to observe and respect the US constitution, then the future of the USA would be bright and hopeful.

Wisdom in Observing the US Constitution

When it comes to power, the US constitution is clear. Real constitutional power is left in the hands of the people who elect politicians to represent them and not to abuse them and boss them around. In fact, the American people have the power to turn a belligerent government into a peaceful one where healthy diplomacy would replace the promotion of wars. The American people are echoing the words of Pope Pius XII who prior to World War II said to Great Britain and Germany: “In a war everyone is a loser, no one a winner.”

This Pope proved to be right. Germany lost the war and its economy collapsed and people were poor everywhere. Great Britain won the war and its economy equally collapsed and people were poor everywhere. Not only so, but Great Britain lost its British Empire as a result in spite of having won the war. The USA took the initiative to become engaged in the Iraqi War. In this war there will be no winners. In just four years the US debt, as a result of this war, has skyrocketed into trillions of dollars. This has put a great burden on the American people that will have to pay for this irresponsible governmental expenditure.

If the USA wants to become the sole master of the world, it would never succeed to achieve this goal through its own military. Such a high goal could be only achieved through the good will of its own people who make better US ambassadors. US government officials must begin to listen to the voice of their people, especially when they constitute a majority as is the case with a moratorium on the funding of the Iraqi War and the complete withdrawal of all American troops from Iraq with no further delay. This seems to be the only way left for the USA to prevent itself from waging the most devastating war in American history – a war against its own people!

Copies of the pictorial Book: Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism by Joel Andreas, may be secured from: (1) Frank Dorrel, P.O. Box 3261, Culver City, CA 90231, USA, Phone: 310-838-8131, e-mail: or (2) AK Press, 674-A 23rd Street, Oakland, CA 94612-1163, USA, e-mail: