In the spirit of Protest Reports, the Free Press reprints this from:


Charlie Pierce, who cut his teeth writing sports:

I always found [NBA coach Doc Rivers] a smart and aware human being, the son of a Chicago cop. He met his wife, Kris, when they were students at Marquette together. Kris is white. When they were dating, her parents’ home and auto were vandalized. While he was in San Antonio, his house was burned to the ground. He’s been there. He’s seen things. And, on Tuesday night, he turned his history loose.

"It’s amazing we keep loving this country and this country doesn’t love us back."

And then, on Wednesday, the Milwaukee Bucks took a wildcat job action and refused to play a playoff game against the Magic. Within two hours, the NBA announced that the entire slate of games was postponed. A players-only meeting was called for 8:00 Wednesday night. The rest of the NBA season is at risk. The bubble is in deep trouble. It is an extraordinary moment of militancy, very similar to the days of 1968 and the Olympic Project for Human Rights, which culminated in the iconic victory stand demonstration by Tommie Smith and John Carlos. The moment touches LeBron James, whose ascendancy to a leadership role in the NBA has everything to do with its creation. It touches white coaches like Steve Kerr and Gregg Popovich.

And it is reaching beyond the bubble. The NFL’s Detroit Lions walked out of practice on Tuesday. The Milwaukee Brewers talked about what action they might take. This moment has legs. It is not going away. A new and formidable center of political power has arisen in this country in response to the evil forces and dark energy unleashed by the current administration. Doc Rivers spoke to that moment, and he spoke for us all. At least, we better hope he did.