"Mighty Times, The Rosa Parks Story" a remarkable and inspirational "behind the scenes" look at the single act of defiance that started a civil rights revolution. "Mighty Times" proves beyond any doubt that one person can indeed make a diference. Workshop includes a 40 minute video, speaker, study guide and discussion questions, all OCSJ workshops are available at affordable rates for your group, organization, church, business, school, and community. To schedule your workshop, or for more info about all of our workshops and rates, please contact us.

"Domestic Violence 101": What is Domestic Violence? Why do victims stay with their abusers? How does religion play into DV? What can You do end DV? These and many other insights are offered and discussed. Workshop includes domestic violence nformation, resources, speaker, and more. Contact OCSJ for more details including rates and scheduling.

New Social Justice resources:

"Parents, Be a Role Model for Children": A free booklet that offers tips and suggestions that Parents, family, friends, and community, can do to help keep children free from violence.

"White Pride Worldwide": Special report that provides an indepth look at the racist music industry, and how so called "white power music" is creating a new generation of hate mongers and bigots. Includes source material from Southern Poverty Law Center. Originally published in OCSJ's monthly newsletter. Free of charge.

"10 Things You can Do To Stop School Violence": geared towards middlle and high school students, this flyer offers easy and practical ways to stay safe at school. Free of charge.

**Please support the Center with your generous gitfs and donations. Memberships are available for Individuals and Groups/Organizations who want to support the Mission and programs of OCSJ. For more info about Memberships, and for additional ways you can contribute, please contact us.

Ohio Center for Social Justice
PO Box 28428 (mailing only)
Columbus OH 43228
E-mail us at OhioCSJ@aol.com

"You must be the change you want to see in the world" Mahatma Gandhi