Chants of “Women’s rights, Human rights,” & “Our bodies belong to us, not you,” echoed off the walls of the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus this Saturday, as hundreds of women (and men) rallied, demanding an end the GOP dominated legislature’s “War on Women!” The rally had been organized by a new group, WomenUnite, which was called together, according director Cathy Kaelin, to “combat the growing attacks on women’s rights in Ohio.”

“You are standing on historic ground,” stated Brian Rothenburg, Director of Progress Ohio. “96 years ago today thousands of women stood right here, without the right to vote, with no health care, no voice and no rights, they came to this building and stated that ‘they are Americans, too!’ Because they fought, we have a voice today. But the heirs of those who barred women from voting then are again trying to take our votes away, take our rights to health care away. We stand here united to say again; We Are Americans, too, & We Won’t Go Back!”

While reminiscent of the rallies for women’s rights in the 1960s, the large numbers of young women, children at the rally was striking. Marie Hlavin, a self-described “proud future teacher” was there with her 6 year old daughter, Emma.

“Planned Parenthood is where I found out I was pregnant,” she stated. “It is where I’ve been able to get health care, and they are trying to shut it down. That’s wrong!” She also found a lump on her breast on a visit to Planned Parenthood. “While it was negative, just think of all the women who wouldn’t find out until it was too late if they close Planned Parenthood.”

Donna O’Connell, a Dublin school teacher and candidate for Representative in the 21st District, said that she felt she had to attend.

“Right wing Republicans are trying to legislate to take away rights that we’ve already fought for and won. I felt I had to become active. I just couldn’t sit back and let that happen! We shouldn’t have to fight again for the rights our mothers and grandmothers already have won!”

Signs demanded; “End the War on Women,” “Proud Woman, Proud American,” “My Body Belongs to Me,” & “We Won’t Just Go Away!”

At the edge of the statehouse rally tables were set up with petitions against the “voter suppression bill” (HR 194), for a neutral body to do redistricting, against growing gun violence and supporting a measure to recall politicians in Ohio.

State Representative Mike Stinziano said that he attended because he wanted to show support for those fighting against harmful legislation that would hurt low income women.

“The Republicans were elected calling for jobs, but have passed eight bills attacking women’s health care and refuse to do anything about jobs,” he said.

Chyrstal Obiukwu, a Junior Social Work student at Ohio State University, made the point that “they are really afraid of us! The reason they are passing legislation attacking women’s rights is because they are trying to take away our ability to be involved in public life. They will not succeed!”

As the skies cracked open and the rains came down, chants were still heard as we left the statehouse; “We won’t go away!”