Dear Friends:

I am increasingly alarmed at the escalation of violence in Palestine and Israel and the relentless expansion of the Israeli occupation.  The massacres in Gaza, the massive and ongoing demolition of homes, the continued construction of the apartheid wall, and the bombing of Syria are clear indications of the escalating and spiraling violence.

I believe it important that we all take immediate and sustained action.  ADC has joined with various other groups to make November "Palestine Action Month," see:   This is a month-long campaign of multifaceted efforts in support of the Palestinian people and in support of peace, for more information see:

There are several ways in which you can take action this month. You can use the features of ADC's website to contact members of the Administration about issues relating to Palestine.  Send letters to members of Congress and other relevant political figures via:

Additionally, you should also send letters to the editors of newspapers, magazines and journals via ADC's website at:

As a sixteen-year veteran of Congress, I cannot overstate the importance of contacting your representatives in Congress and expressing your voice. Analysis has shown that for every letter a member of Congress receives, there are hundreds of people that feel that same way.  Arrange meetings with your members of Congress.  It is important that you communicate your views to them, as they are accountable to you.

However, remember to also thank your representatives when they do take positive action, meet with you, or publicly question the Administration's and Congress' policy in the Middle East.  This is very important and too often neglected.  If you like what they are doing, help them in their campaign.  Let them know that Arab Americans are part of their support network and can make a difference. Take positive action at:

While this statement may not be accurate, members of Congress typically tell us:  "I never hear from my Arab-American constituents."  So, please keep the ADC national office informed. Let us know what action you take and send us copies of your letters.

Together we can change the climate and substance of the policymaking process in Washington.  I am counting on you to help impact US policy, a policy that promotes peace and justice for all.

Mary Rose Oakar
ADC President