
We start GREEP Zoom #193 with the great ANDREA MILLER, who lays out her powerful push for getting out the vote in key swing states, including Florida, Georgia and North Carolina.

We start GREEP Zoom #193 with the great ANDREA MILLER, who lays out her powerful push for getting out the vote in key swing states, including Florida, Georgia and North Carolina.

STEPHEN SPITZ explains his very mixed experience with young election workers at the University of Michigan.

RAY MCCLENDON follows by describing the mixed impacts of manipulated polls and the stripping of voter registration rolls in Georgia and elsewhere.

A major election outcome prediction made by Alan Lichtman, who has been right many times before, is analyzed by TATANKA BRICCA.

We then shift gears to our Nuclear Webinar, starting with Michigan-based reporter ROGER RAPOPORT, who gives us the low-down on the insane attempt to re-fire the Palisades atomic reactor.

World-renowned health researcher JOE MANGANO confirms the death toll from TMI, Fermi, Palisades and other nukes linked to radiation emissions from these “perfectly safe” loser reactors.

KEVIN KAMPS of Beyond Nuclear adds Fermi I and other destroyed or decrepit nukes to the murderous list.

We pay homage to the great Philadelphia Inquirer op ed against TMI from the great Jane Fonda.

LINDA SEELEY from the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace updates us on the latest developments from Diablo Canyon, and reminds us that badly embrittled pressure vessel at Unit One is identical to the RPV at Palisades..

SHERI MCWHIRTER asks about the rule-making petition being circulated by Roger Rapoport.

MYLA RESON reminds us of the steam generator disaster at San Onofre that forced that plant's permanent closure.

Cleveland’s CONNIE KLINE reports on the continuing energy disaster in Ohio.

Santa Monica’s PAUL NEWMAN asks about Betty Yee, a candidate for California governor who stabbed the renewables industry while she was on the Coastal Commission.

LYNN FEINERMAN wonders if the fossil/nuke industry is using the “anti-woke” reaction to obstruct the rise of renewable energy worldwide.

STEVE CARUSO wonders about the “crazy-whack” attack against renewables despite their plummeting price tag.

Next week we will meet on Indigenous People’s Day, hopefully to celebrate the release of LEONARD PELTIER.