
On Friday the thirteenth of February, in honor of Valentine’s Day, there was a protest against Ohio’s new and unjust Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) law at the Franklin County Courthouse. Sixty to seventy people braved the cold winds and stood proud and angry at lunch time. About 25 of us went inside the building and got in line to get marriage licenses. After a few forms were given out to our same-sex couples, a Probate Court magistrate came into the room and announced, “All of you who are same-sex couples are going to be denied licenses. You must leave now; you are disrupting the working of this office. If you don’t, I will call security!” Some of us argued and refused to leave. One couple, Katherine and Dawn Kereluik, tried to get a copy of their legally obtained marriage license –one of them was born a man but had a sex-change operation – but were told, “You obviously obtained it illegally!”

The diversity of this crowd demonstrates that there is broad support for gay marriage. There were heterosexuals, PFLAGers, Shepherd Initiative representatives, MCCers and MCC clergy, dogs, Socialist Workers members, law students from Akron, OSU college students, and mothers with children. Two signs expressed similar ideas: “DOMA discourages love and commitment” and “DOMA promotes fornication, promiscuity, and child abuse.” The signs point to the fact that those who oppose gay (GLBT) sexual expression are going to have to decide whether they want us “fornicating” or marrying! It is hypocritical to have different standards for gays and straights. “Hate is easy; love takes courage,” said another sign.

Young Haydn Hamilton, who stood beside his mother Rebecca with his sign “God is Love,” told me, “When I grow up, I am going to be known as the man who supported gay rights!” Thank you, Haydn, and all who were there!