In recent years, "reduce, reuse and recycle" has become as popular as "stop, drop and roll." If we all do what we can in our daily lives to combat global warming, it can add up to a very big step in the right direction. More importantly, it will send a message to a government that refuses to act, that this issue is something Americans care about. Get started with these helpful tips.

At home:
    Conserve fuel by turning down the heat at night and while you are away from your home - or install a programmable thermostat.
    Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
    Avoid anything battery operated (or use rechargables or solar rechargables if batteries are unavoidable).
    Buy locally - not only is it good for the local economy, it will save energy because products haven't traveled across the globe to get to you.

In the kitchen:
    Check and compare energy ratings before buying large appliances - especially your refirigerator. It uses more energy than any other appliance in your home.
    Don't let the water run while doing dishes.
    Cooking frozen foods uses more energy - thaw them out first.

In the laundry room:
    Only do full loads of laundry, use as little water as possible. Up to 90 percent of the energy used for washing clothes goes to heating the water.
    A warm wash and cold rinse will work just as well as a hot water wash and a warm rinse on nearly all clothes.
    Hang clothing outside to dry or inside in a dry, warm room and save energy.

In the bathroom:
    Install water saving devices for your taps and showers.Energy saving shower heads can save up to 20 percent of hot water usage - and cut your electricity bills. A faucet aerator will reduce the flow without reducing the water pressure.
    Don't leave the tap running while brushing your teeth or shaving.
    A shower (about 10 minutes) uses 2/3 the amount of water as a bath.

At work:
    Use public transportation or carpool to get to work. And if you send packages by courier, contact a bicycle courier company for local deliveries.
    Ask your office manager to weatherproof the building to save energy.
    Remind your coworkers to recycle and turn off the lights when they leave for the night.