Well Mr. Limbaugh, you have certainly done it again. Although this is not the first time your mouth has spewed such hateful language perhaps it should be the last time you say anything more on your corporate sponsored program. Yes, that's right; it is time for you to resign or be put out to pasture. You didn't "apologize" for your remarks about Ms. Fluke until after it became apparent that your political torpedo missed its target completely and headed back to where it came from. Once you realized that your paycheck may be affected {as if you don't have enough money} you conveniently switched on the damage control to avoid further embarrassment and save your own miserable ass. This time however it has failed miserably and people from all sides of the aisle demand you leave before making anymore despicable comments. Some could argue that the words "slut" and "prostitute" could just as easily be leveled at you. After all don't you "earn" money by performing a certain "service". It never fails to amaze me that our capitalist system has allowed a scumbag like yourself to become very wealthy by just ranting all day against anything contrary to your personal views. I write this because it is evident you do not represent the views of Republicans, Conservatives, and Evangelicals nor do you really believe in the venom you spit out at Democrats, Liberals and Reformers. Your show is all about you and to hell with everybody else.

This country was founded on the principle of free speech. Like it or not we need to be open to the countervailing opinions of both sides. I am as much interested in the opinion of one side as I am the other. That is why I am longer a member of the Democratic Party but rather voted Non-Partisan in the Ohio primary on Super Tuesday. The "debates" have disintegrated into which side promotes the better rhetoric rather than which side can offer a better plan to help improve upon the quality of life for all citizens across this once great country. There appears to be no end in sight for the gridlock plaguing all governments at the federal, state and local levels. Perhaps the emergence of the Independence Party would cause more than a stir down the corridors of power. Maybe if such a party existed with members that could truly call themselves Independents the gridlock could slowly be chipped away at. Candidates could run for office on the issues affecting their potential constituents rather than holding fast to their party platform. A Independence Party would not be hamstrung like the two major political parties are today. The will of the people tempered by the conscience of their representative would be a start to the long road to recovery of what the Founding Fathers intended. Mr. Limbaugh, you obviously don't understand any of this sir nor do you care to so long as the money keeps pouring in. Do us all a favor and resign and then go out and try to find your true life's work. Good day sir!