dance contest
in the growing absence
of ceremony and ritual.
driven by icons and marketing
toward a state of apathy
we are faced with
way too many choices
many finding they are unable
to choose at all
as the storm clouds gather
an inhumane political agenda
falsely projected by those
who would divide and isolate us
from each other
and all of us
from the rest of the world
instilling fear.
those who would have
and use it all
continue encouraging us
to sit this one out
consistently inviting us.
to remain silent
in the growing absence
of ceremony and ritual.
let's dance.
in the growing absence
of ceremony and ritual.
driven by icons and marketing
toward a state of apathy
we are faced with
way too many choices
many finding they are unable
to choose at all
as the storm clouds gather
an inhumane political agenda
falsely projected by those
who would divide and isolate us
from each other
and all of us
from the rest of the world
instilling fear.
those who would have
and use it all
continue encouraging us
to sit this one out
consistently inviting us.
to remain silent
in the growing absence
of ceremony and ritual.
let's dance.