40-50 Summer Education Guides Needed at Stratford Ecological Center  

Summer volunteer guides are people who love nature, children and adventures.  Ed guides spend 2-4 hours per week at Stratford to share their love of the land and nature with our future generation.  We are looking for volunteers for Educational Guides who lead small groups of children on an adventure around our farm and nature preserve on Monday through Friday during June, July & August.  No experience necessary. We will train you.  Ed Guide Training will be  June 14 th – 1:00-4:00pm.  If you would like to become a Stratford Ed Guide, please contact Jane at Stratford Ecological Center 740-363-2548 or SECVolunteer@aol.com

Saturday Receptionist

We are looking for Saturday morning volunteer receptionists from 9am - 1pm to answer phones, take messages, greet visitors, direct visitors to activities, trails, u-pick areas and sell farm products.    Contact Jane at Stratford Ecological Center 740-363-2548 or SECVolunteer@aol.com.